Monday, April 11, 2011

End of the year Soccer! Trophy time!

The man doing one of his favorite things...
 Such a cool dude wearing his shades!
 Camp and his great Coach!
 The spring team - the Purple Tigers!
 It's all about the trophy, don't cha know? The soccer ball spins and everything!!! That's a COOL trophy!!
 Camp and Coach Daddy! They gave Chad a trophy b/c he helped coach a few times =)
 Me and my baby


Mom and I took Camp and Abby to see the Bulldogs play basketball in March! It was around Lele and Aunt Char's birthdays so we celebrated!

Fishing with Daddy

Sunday, April 10, 2011

He's growing up!

 *He does have a bike helmet! We just didn't have it with us this day!*