Thursday, January 6, 2011

A new year, a new blog!

After FIVE years of posting on my old blog, all of the sudden, it was FULL! I had slowed down blogging ever since I went private when we opened our business, but I realized how much I missed it! I am somewhat out of the facebook world these days (and I like it that way!), so I want to get back to blogging. However, I didn't want to PAY to be able to continue that blog. SOOO I started a new one.  I have LOVED being able to go back and look at my boys grow - and I really feel like last year got the shaft. 
 So here's to a new year with a new blog! 
 Little brother Nash is 3...
 and big brother Camp is 5.
I am going to try my best to go back a bit and update pictures that I never was able to upload on the other blog. I will probably try to date them correctly, so this post may change a bit at a later date! =)


  1. Yay for a new blog :) Please keep writing...because I love keeping up with the Segrests!
    I'll be ya!

  2. I keep wondering when mine will be full too. Your boys are too cute!

  3. I had no idea blogs fill up... I was wondering why you quit blogging so much! I like it when you keep me entertained. :)

  4. I just realized you started a new blog!! So excited about reading it again :)
    Hope you and your family are doing well!
